• elephants

    Herd of Elephants

    The hugest of them all

  • Happy clients

    tourism kenya

    Our customers will always want to come back for more. Kenya and Tanzania have relaxing holiday environments. Try us.

  • lion

    Lion - The Jungle king

    Lions will be found in all makor national parks in Kenya

  • flamingoes


    Commonly found in lakes Nakuru, Bogoria, Naivasha

  • buffalo


    Buffalo - one of the wild cows

  • Cheetah


    Cheetah - the fastest animal

Amboseli National Park is known for its large elephant herds, and other animals such as giraffes, zebras, cheetahs and hundreds of bird species. It also offers views of immense Mount Kilimanjaro. There is also presence of Lake Amboseli and swamps. It is one of the best wildlife-viewing experiences in the world with 400 species of birds including water birds, pelicans, kingfishers, crakes, hammerkops, and 47 types of raptors. It presents opportunities to meet Maasai and visit a Maasai village.

The park also has views of Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest free-standing mountain in the world.

Allscenery Safaris

All Scenery Budget Tours and Safaris is a tour operator in East Africa, specializing in giving you the best safari experiences, as we give you the best of  wild experiences across Kenya, Uganda  and Tanzania. We offer you customized packages that best suits your needs. For the Kenya Uganda and Tanzania safari we grant safaris for either country, or a combination of both. 

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Contact us through

Construst House, 8th Floor,
Moi Avenue, Next to Nairobi Sports House
P.O. Box 7014 (00300), Nairobi, Kenya.
Email: info@allscenerybudgetsafaris.com / allscenerysafaris@gmail.com
Phone: +254 777 990 644



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